Revitalizing Mineral Wells: The Murals of 76067 Project.
A resurgence is underway in Mineral Wells, and it’s all thanks to The Murals of 76067 initiative. Driven by the dedication of local artists, forward-thinkers, and the community, the project is in full swing, seeking out hidden gems within our charming downtown area. The Murals of 76067 is more than just a creative endeavor; it’s a collaborative journey aimed at transforming Downtown Mineral Wells into an enchanting escape, whether you’re seeking solace, enjoying the company of friends, or spending quality time with your family.
Come explore the lively atmosphere of downtown Mineral Wells and discover a fascinating collection of over 20 murals. These murals showcase a wide range of themes, from playful flying pigs and majestic human-sized butterflies to interactive artworks that seem to come alive. You’ll also find depictions of local people from the past, giving you a glimpse into the history of the area. With such a diverse array of murals, there’s something for everyone’s taste. And the best part? These murals provide fantastic backdrops that are perfect for your Instagram photos.
To make the most of your mural adventure, use our mural map to guide you through downtown Mineral Wells. Each mural has its own unique story, waiting to be uncovered. Keep in mind that our collection is always growing, as new murals are constantly being added. If you want to stay up-to-date, just swing by the Visitor Center to grab the latest map.
The Story of the Murals
It all started with a couple of locals who uncovered an old advertising mural and decided to give it a refresh. Since then, several old murals have been releveled and revived as needed. Many of our new murals were added as a way to dress up some of the less appealing buildings and spaces while they awaited their turn at revitalization. Some were intended to be temporary, but many of them have stayed to bring fun and vibrance to the area.

Joelle Bolt
Several of our murals were painted by local artist, Joelle Bolt. Among them are:
- Greetings From Mineral Wells Postcard Mural
- Goodnight Loving Interactive Mural
- Natalie Rose Mural
- Classic Cars Series around the Seaman building. *The Seaman is currently being renovated, so these murals have been removed.
- Italian Landscape Mural inside Pastafina.
- Joelle also stepped in and lent a hand on many of the other murals. One of those was the Little Girl Saluting Mural.
Shirley Mixon
Only a handful of our murals depict actual people. This is one of them. Shirley Mixon and the mural of her as a little girl were featured in a nearby magazine. You can read it in Hoopla Magazine.

The Mineral Wells Hot Tamale Man
Another life-size piece about a real-life local is that of Fred Estrada, “The Mineral Wells Hot Tamale Man,” who is reported to have sold “The Best Tamales Anywhere”, at 75 cents a dozen, at the corner of Hubbard Street and Oak Avenue for many years. It’s at that same corner of downtown Mineral Wells where his mural greets passersby every day.
Flapper Girl Mural
The first new mural to adorn our downtown was the Flapper Girl Mural. And though it was intended to be one of the temporary murals until the Ritz Theater got a makeover, it has remained. Now, it serves as the backdrop to a fabulous new Ritz marquee sign and it looks great.

In addition to reading about their stories, you also have the opportunity to listen to some of the artists themselves as they share their experiences. View the video Discovering Mineral Wells: Meet The Muralists video on Facebook.