Downtown Mineral Wells Crazy Chili Cook-Off
March 22 @ 2:00 pm – 5:30 pm
Join us for the Downtown Mineral Wells Crazy Chili Cook-Off Saturday, February 22nd!
We are so excited to bring the Chili cook-off back to Downtown and get the Mineral Wells businesses, non-profits, individuals and community involved! This will be open to the public & attendees will pay $5.00 for a bowl & spoon to go around and taste all the chili! All money raised will be donated to Envision Mineral Wells, a 501(C)(3) non-profit that helps us to raise money for community events in Downtown Mineral Wells. Entries for teams will be $20! We will be awarding 1st, 2nd & 3rd place as well as a Showmanship and People’s Choice Award! So pick a theme & go all out!
Team Information:
Set-up: 8:00 am – 1:30 pm
Event times: 2:00 – 5:30 pm
Judging: Starts at 3:00 pm
We will be setting up in the Poston Square parking lot (behind the Mineral Wells Area Chamber of Commerce Building).
Each Team (4 members total) is asked to prepare enough Chili for 75 people, 5 Gallons, to taste. (Tastes are usually approx. 3 tbls. per person; you will not be serving bowls to everyone.)
Teams are required to bring their own table, chairs, burner & butane. If using gas type appliances you must have a 10 pound ABC type extinguisher- with current inspection tag on hand at each table/cooking team. If you do not have an extinguisher, we will have some available at the event for a $10 fee.
Please contact Brittany Brown, Mineral Wells Main Street Manager, with any questions.
bbrown@mineralwellstx.gov or 940-445-7794
Crazy Chili Cookoff 2025 • RSVPify